Having ADHD Makes Me Feel Like I Was Born on the Wrong Planet

The Hunter, Gatherer Theory

When an adult is diagnosed with ADHD it can explain so much.
“I always knew I was different”, or “Everyone told me I was lazy, or I just needed to try harder.”

After a lifetime of struggling to fit in and failing at simple tasks everyone else seemed to find easy, it’s common to feel:
Shame and Frustration,
Sad and Embarrassed,
Depressed an Anxious,
Lazy or Dumb,
Weird or Broken.

You may conclude, “I was born on the wrong planet.”

But what if you’re on the right planet? Could it be that you are perfectly adapted and evolved to succeed right here on good old Earth? Or rather, the Earth, as it was 20,000 years ago. As best-selling author Thom Hartmann put it, “You’re a Hunter in a Farmer’s world.”

If that strikes you as a bit absurd, consider some of the traits associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the skills needed to be the ideal prehistoric hunter-gatherer.

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