ADHD Strategies For Everyone
There’s a dilemma with ADHD: the ‘symptoms’ are issues that everybody faces. The things we…
Things That Bug People With ADHD – Sand and Shoelaces
You won’t find Sensory Overwhelm in the Diagnostic Manual of ADHD symptoms, but many of…
10 Signs You Do NOT Have ADHD
Are you worried that you might have ADHD? What are the signs? There are many…
ADHD: Full of Ideas
One of the ‘Super-Powers’ that some folks with ADHD like to brag about is, “I…
ADHD, Creativity, and Structure
If you have an endless stream of thoughts on a diverse range of topics, well,…
Hope for Kids with ADHD
In 1980, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder became an officially recognized disorder. Since then, understanding the causes…
Relaxing when you have ADHD
Folks with ADHD are far more likely to struggle with anxiety, depression, or emotional overwhelm….
Folks Who Dismiss ADHD Often Have It
I can’t be the only one who has noticed how often the folks who are…
ADHD Awareness Minute
October is officially ADHD Awareness Month!Clearly, whoever came up with this idea didn’t have Attention…