Improve Focus

What I Think About

My Mind Never Stops

I have a mind that never stops.  Restless.  Scattered.  Mental leaps.  Lateral thinking.  The monkey mind chattering away.  Which is […]

Breathing techniques for stress relief

Box Breathing

Anti Stress Secret How much money would you pay to be able to release stress, lower your heart rate, calm


Why Do We Fidget?

Why Fidgeting Helps Is this you? Tapping your fingers. Bouncing a leg. Fiddling with a pencil, pen, keys, rings, bracelets,

Vagus Nerve

Anxious to Serene

Meet Your Vagus Nerve Hello I’m Rick Green and I want to know how to lower my anxiety and quickly

Trouble focusing

Hyperfocus vs Hyperfixation

Hyperfocus? Hyperfixation? What’s the difference? What do they mean? And are they strengths? Or a weakness? Can they be useful?

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